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Information for Attorneys

The links below provide resources useful to attorneys representing debtors in Chapter 13.

Securely Upload Documents

The Trustee's website allows debtors' attorneys to securely submit photo identification, proof of social security number and signed statements under penalty of perjury for telephonic section 341 meetings as well as tax returns, pay advices, and miscellaneous documents that would otherwise be faxed or mailed. All documents must be in pdf format. Please upload documents using the correct document type. For documents filed using the Generic Upload option, include a cover sheet explaining the purpose of the document so that it may be routed to the correct staff person.

For 341 meetings, documents should be uploaded no later than the day prior to the section 341 meeting so that they will have time to download into the Trustee’s system before the meeting. If you are unable to use the Trustee's electronic document portal, DO NOT EMAIL proof of social security number or picture identification to the Trustee. Instead, send the information via US mail to the Trustee’s St. Louis PO box.

Please DO NOT upload documents which have been or will be filed with the court via CM/ECF.

Securely upload documents using the Trustee's portal

Contact with questions regarding this site.